Sunday, 19 July 2015

Watching whales

I started the day with a spin class at 6am. Yes, really. And then I did 45 mins of yoga. Yes really. Well, it's free and I was awake.

We set off for Gloucester again, via Cambridge in order to visit Harvard which is actually a jolly long way and having realised there's nothing much in Cambridge, and having gone the wrong way up the street (I really only have done this once), we decided to abandon that particular adventure and head straight for the whales.

The whale watch was worth the wait, and worth the long trip out there and back to the whale-full bit of water not that far from Provincetown off Cape Cod. (I snoozed on the way out, which made up for the 6am start - I'd earned it). We had a sweet girl who gave a running commentary on what we'd see and all the whale's characteristics. I learned a lot! Shame on Japan, Iceland and Norway for continuing to whale commercially. 

When the first of them appeared - a spout and a fluke (a dive, showing their tail), everyone gasped and shrieked a little and I have to say I filled up and shed a little tear - it felt so overwhelming having waited so long to see these amazing creatures in their natural habitat. And the humpbacks just kept coming - in pairs, threes and even a four, and although we weren't treated to a breach, just before we turned back for land the four gave us a grand finale as a parting shot. Their grace is amazing.

I've lots of video footage that I need to sort out, but this one gives you an idea. We ate after we got off the boat as was already gone 7.30, headed back to the city and then packed for the last stage of our road trip, Cape Cod.

1 comment:

  1. Very impressed with your 6am start and fitness regime. Have you warned Neil?!
